do I begin ?
If your first child is still in the distant future, begin
This is the time to establish yourself as the kind of roll model you
want your childern to have. It is also time for observing
other people's childern. What do you see in their attitudes and
behavior which you would like, or not like, in your own childern.
Of course! you will change your mind later, more than once.
But without a goal of some sort you will not be able to see your
progress. Establishing a goal is not for the purpose of forcing
the child into a predetermined mold. It is to have a direction in
which to start, it is to be expected that changes are to be made along
the way as it becomes apparent that they are desirable.
This is the time to observe the interactions between parents and their
children at various age levels. Decide, at least tentitively,
what kind of realtions you would like to establish with your own
If your first child is in the near future, begin here:
Information is accumulating which shows that learning begins sometime
before birth. How much, and how long before birth has yet to be
determined. A near term fetus can respond to tactile stimulation
(that is, touch) through the abdominal and uterine walls. It can
also recognize familiar voices. I have seen a minutes old new
surrounded by voices of medical people, turn toward the voice of the
more than once.
It has also been determined that musical training begins before
birth. At least two weeks before birth a fetus can distinguish
between themes of the mother's favorite TV shows and novel tunes.
(Weinberger, Norman M. "Music and the Brain", Scientific American, Nov. 2004)
It has been determined that a new born does not start from zero in
regard to seeing. For one thing they can already distinguish
faces from the visual background. So they will begin to associate
a particular face with a familiar voice. The parent's part in
education at this point is to hold and talk to the infant.
If your first child already is, select the appropriate muturity
level and do the best you can from there: